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Mindful Minis is a mental health-informed childcare center. Founded and owned by a licensed therapist and mom of three, Mindful Minis understands the importance of brain development in a child’s early years. We strive to provide the best care for children utilizing brain science & techniques with gentle, integrated approaches to increase coping skills and positive growth in children. We have a team of professionals who are knowledgeable about mental health, play therapy, and are committed to providing education, training & modeling for our staff. Our approach includes attachment theory, connection, integration of the brain, redirecting behavior with a whole-brain approach, creating safe spaces for children to express themselves, and providing resources for parents and caregivers to ensure their children are getting the best care possible. We are passionate about creating a better tomorrow for our children and their developing minds. We are dedicated to providing them with the best environment and resources to support their growth and development.

Wooden Alphabets


At Mindful Minis Daycare, we use Frog Street Curriculum to support our early learners. This program is extensively researched through a brain development lens and offers age-appropriate activities that promote cognitive, social-emotional, physical, and language growth. Through engaging play, early literacy, and STEAM activities, we ensure each child receives tailored education and care.


Icon of a mother holding her baby, representing the Attachment Theory method at Mindful Minis daycare in Derby, Kansas, emphasizing attentive, responsive care to support positive brain development through safety, eye contact, comfort, and attunement.

Attachment Theory

Attentive, responsive care provided to the infant. Utilizing Attachment theory to support positive brain development. Examples of this include: creating a sense of safety, eye contact, providing comfort, responsive to cues, attunement and creating a regulated presence.


Icon of happy and sad masks representing the Emotional Identification method at Mindful Minis daycare in Derby, Kansas, where staff help children identify and express their emotions, supporting emotional regulation and communication.

Emotional Identification

The ability to identify our emotions supports our ability to regulate and express the emotion. Our staff will assist children in identifying their emotions with reflections and projections, validating their experience and assisting in communicating their needs. 

Icon of a mother and child looking at each other, representing the Mirroring method at Mindful Minis daycare in Derby, Kansas, focusing on responsive facial affect and attunement to encourage positive neural development in children.

Mirroring | Attunement

Mirroring and attuning to the child involves responsive and interactive facial affect that encourages strong and positive growth and stimulation of neural networks in the child's brain. 


Icon of a person in a meditative pose representing the Mindfulness method at Mindful Minis daycare in Derby, Kansas, promoting mental, emotional, and physical stability to support positive growth and development in children and adults.


Mindfulness is an important grounding technique to increase our mental, emotional and physical stability. Mindfulness is a practice that supports positive growth, development and coping in children and adults

Icon of two overlapping circles representing the Emotional Co-regulation method at Mindful Minis daycare in Derby, Kansas, where staff provide co-regulating techniques to support children's emotional development and help them learn self-regulation as their brains mature.

Emotional Coregulation

Children require assistance in regulating their emotions as they are not yet able to self regulate. Our staff will provide co-regulating techniques to model and support the regulatory system of the child. This process will assist the child in learning how to regulate their emotions as their brain develops.

Icon of an overlapping heart representing the CARE Behavior Approach at Mindful Minis daycare in Derby, Kansas, focusing on connecting, accepting, regulating, and empowering children to address underlying needs and support positive growth.

CARE Behavior Approach

Our CARE approach is utilized to redirect unregulated behavior. Connect with the child, Accept them where they're at, Regulate with them and Empower them with skills choices. We understand that this behavior is driven by an underlying need. We explore the need underneath that behavior to address the whole child. Our goal is to assist the child through their experience with supportive, validating techniques to keep safety and growth as the overall intention. 


Understanding the importance of quality, intentional childcare, our owners are passionate about providing care that increases a parent's comfort when they're sending their child to daycare. Our goal at Mindful Minis is to not only collaborate with the community for a whole-child approach but to collaborate with each parent to ensure feelings of connection and comfort and gather feedback to provide the best care for each family. We want to hear your thoughts and concerns and collaborate with you to provide the most comfortable care for your child. 

Photo of Mindful Minis daycare owners, Bailey and Joe Mitchell, with their children, embodying their Collaborative Approach in Derby, Kansas, focused on providing quality, intentional childcare that fosters parent connection, comfort, and community collaboration.


Certified & Dedicated to Your Children

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