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Our Intentional Approaches

Attachment Theory

Attentive, responsive care provided to the infant. Utilizing Attachment theory to support positive brain development. Examples of this include: creating a sense of safety, eye contact, providing comfort, responsive to cues, attunement and creating a regulated presence.


Mirroring and attuning to the child involves responsive and interactive facial affect that encourages strong and positive growth and stimulation of neural networks in the child's brain. 

Emotional Coregulation

Children require assistance in regulating their emotions as they are not yet able to self regulate. Our staff will provide co-regulating techniques to model and support the regulatory system of the child. This process will assist the child in learning how to regulate their emotions as their brain develops.

Emotional Identification

The ability to identify our emotions supports our ability to regulate and express the emotion. Our staff will assist children in identifying their emotions with reflections and projections, validating their experience and assisting in communicating their needs. 


Mindfulness is an important grounding technique to increase our mental, emotional and physical stability. Mindfulness is a practice that supports positive growth, development and coping in children and adults. 

CARE Behavior Approach

Our CARE approach is utilized to redirect unregulated behavior. Connect with the child, Accept them where they're at, Regulate with them and Empower them with skills choices. We understand that this behavior is driven by an underlying need. We explore the need underneath that behavior to address the whole child. Our goal is to assist the child through their experience with supportive, validating techniques to keep safety and growth as the overall intention. 

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